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March 09 2025

    Informacin de la Empresa

Unilever PLC

Unilever PLC

San Salvador, San Salvador

No matter who you are, or where in the world you are, the chances are that our products are a familiar part of your daily routine. Every day, around the world, people reach for Unilever products. Our brands are trusted everywhere and, by listening to the people who buy them, we've grown into one of the world's most successful consumer goods companies. In fact, 150 million times a day, someone somewhere chooses a Unilever product. Look in your fridge, or on the bathroom shelf, and you’re bound to see one of our well-known brands. We create, market and distribute the products that people choose to feed their families and keep themselves and their homes clean and fresh.

Empresa: Unilever PLC
Tipo de empresa: Empleador
Nombre de contacto: Sandy Lukavsky
Domicilio: Calle al Matazano
Cdigo Postal: E3218
Telfono: 503 2297 8188
E-mail: << Ocultar informacin>>  [ Enva Mensaje Privado ] 
Registrados de: 2015/07/02
Trabajos: 0 Trabajos publicados / 0 Puestos de trabajo disponibles en la actualidad

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